Very customizable
You can make your desktop look however you want.

Anything can be changed
Steam preinstalled
comes with steam preinstalled

Lutris for managing games

to manage proton

Xanmod kernel
Comes with a powerful xanmod kernel which is patched for gaming. fsync and async are supported by default.

windows games are supported
It supports Most windows games out of the box. Some may need a bit of effort, and some may not work as they banned any other operating system except Windows.check your games in sites bellow.

THERE is a nvidia-driver preinstalled version for you 😊
openrazer and polychromatic
support for razer devices.(just like razer synapse ☺️

Support for controller
Binary OS supports game controllers. Antimicrox can be ussed to support unsupported controllers.

comes with libreoffice. you can install onlyoffice form discover store

Firefox browser
comes with firefox browser

support flatpak. that means you can install any app that is for linux

Hobby OS
Finally, it's time to state the truth. Binary OS is a hobby OS.(only developer is me right now) It may get delayed updates. Report on me issue http://sourceforge.net/p/binaryos/discussion/ and https://github.com/kainatquaderee/BinaryOS/issues .you can find common linux answers in https://askubuntu.com/ , https://www.linuxhelp.com/ https://forums.linuxmint.com/ https://wiki.debian.org/FAQ even so,I hope binary os will not be so much pain as I will do my best to keep it stable